Cartoon illustration
A cartoon illustration service from ConnectMore Solutions
ConnectMore Solutions also offers clients a cartoon illustration service to help articulate the diverse range of circumstances that may affect participants progressing through your programmes. Each cartoon is typically designed to reveal the interactions taking place between participants and their Support Workers as they progress through a variety of life circumstances. The intention of each cartoon is to help decision makers and stakeholders gain a deeper understanding of the situations affecting participants. Once created cartoons are embedded within evaluation reports to help stimulate further interest and discussion of the report findings. Each cartoon is created with the intention to positively influence decision making processes about the design and funding of future services.
Cartoons which help Commissioners and decision makers understand issues affecting the delivery of your programmes.
What I really love about the cartoons developed by ConnectMore is how they take complex ideas and communicate them clearly through an example and an explanation of what the concept is and why it is happening. Also, and this it really important for me, it doesn’t position the people who are experiencing the problems as responsible for them or deficit in any way. The stories are told sensitively and with a sense of hope.
Charlie Davis, Assistant Professor in Higher Education, University of Nottingham
Cartoons which bring your quantitative data alive

Social action cartoons are a vital tool to help illuminate the real life lived experiences of people. They help generate discussion and debate and bring commonality and universality to those experiences in a way that the cool language of academic case studies and the therapeutic language of individual life stories can never achieve.
Dr Sharon Clancy, Assistant Professor – Educational Leadership and Management, University of Nottingham
The cartoons used in our most recent evaluation report for the Money Sorted project have been really well received. The cartoons have added great interest in the report and helped illustrate really complex issues in an understandable way. The illustrations show the impact of the project in a way that would be difficult to express via a data table or written block of text. The cartoons have also been useful to raise awareness of wider work St Ann’s Advice Centre and help boost referrals across the local community.
Debbie Webster, Centre Manager, St Ann’s Advice Centre, Nottingham